Do you know the causes of foot odor? Get rid of it once and for all!
With more than 250,000 sweat glands, it’s common that our feet sometimes suffer from bad odor. There are different factors related to excessive sweating and therefore bad foot odor, many of which are not related to lack of hygiene.
In this article, we’ll tell you all about this process that the body performs naturally.
Bad odor is produced when sweat comes into contact with the bacteria that we all have on our skin, producing ammonium and fatty acid in its decomposition. Scientifically this condition is known as Bromhidrosis, which is defined as excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis). But...
What are the causes?
Here are the 6 main reasons for foot odor:
This happens mainly during adolescence since hormonal changes play a very important role at this time (hair growth, beginning of the period, acne). It also happens to pregnant women and women going through menopause. All these changes are caused by hormonal discharges and loads that give rise to waste products, which are eliminated in various ways, including through the sweat glands in the feet.
Stress and anxiety cause the release of many hormones, stimulating the sweat glands as a compensatory mechanism.
Athlete's foot involves a skin rash caused by a fungus, which usually appears between the toes and can also cause a bad odor. It is caused by excess moisture accumulated inside shoes and it spreads when in contact with floors, showers, and around swimming pools.
There are certain types of food that when degraded give rise to odor molecules (causing odor) and are eliminated through sweat, such as spices, onions, or garlic.
Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating, which may result from another disease or be a side effect of medication. However, some people sweat excessively without an associated cause ("primary hyperhidrosis"). The areas most affected by the condition includes hands, feet, armpits, or head.
Even in small or large quantities, everybody sweats. The main cause of the odor on your feet is sweat and wearing the same shoes every day. Sweat itself is odorless, but the problem starts when it comes in contact with bacteria.
Treatments: How do I keep my feet from smelling bad?
Don't worry! Some solutions can help you combat these sweating and odor problems:
- Wash your feet daily with disinfectant soap. Drying especially between the toes.
- Spray with Imperial Feet’s Foot Deo Spray which is specifically formulated and indicated for podiatric use.
- Use flip-flops in bathrooms and gym locker rooms, to prevent fungal infections.
- Change your socks daily and make sure they are made of breathable materials like cotton or wool. Avoid synthetic materials.
At Imperial Feet, we help you with our wide range of products. Visit us on Instagram @imperial_feet to be updated with multiple solutions to keep your feet healthy.
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